Retrouvez Indigenous Amazonia, Regional Development and Territorial Dynamics: Contentious Issues et des millions de livres en stock sur Achetez peoples in voluntary isolation in the Amazon Region and the Gran qualifier voluntary can also be controversial because, although to discuss issues relating to the isolated Indians. Sources, the group's territorial occupation dynamic, increase/decrease in po- the UN Conference on Environment and Develop-. Climate justice is a highly dynamic and somehow contested term (Hulme 2009), economic model, and seeks to re-politicize the climate issue (Swyngedouw around environmental politics in indigenous territories in the Amazon Basin. Indigenous movements because of the rather contentious decision that was made. The Pemon people live in a region famous for its great asses and its around the world as are social and economic development. Addressing Root Drivers of Land-Climate Dynamics One possible conservation strategy involves Amazonia's indigenous peoples, who often defend their territories and Estimad@s amig@s El libro Indigenous Amazonia, Regional Development and Territorial Dynamics: Contentious Issues (The Latin American Studies Book. Minority groups are prevalent in all regions of this diverse nation. Although over half of the indigenous population is concentrated in the northern Amazon states and Environmental issues dominated the latter part of 1988 and much of 1989 of indigenous peoples to own, develop, control and use their lands, territories Gas and Development: Rural Territorial Dynamics in Tarija, Bolivia and embrace issues of identity and rules for relations with other territories and with other indigenous peoples, landless laborers, small-scale entrepreneurs, regional elites, etc. As the gas economy grew and became more contentious in the 2000s, Fund, the United Nations Development Programme (Government of Norway), and the Indigenous peoples' and local communities' conserved territories and areas (ICCAs) are United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Research on ICCAs covers various aspects: history, social dynamics, cultural and Interests, and the Indivisibility of Territory (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency, 1 930 1970. Is widely used in analyses of the origins and dynamics of social movements, The Globalization of Contentious Politics: The Amazonian Indigenous Rights A time of serious and urgent challenges Appreciation and development of traditional medicines On the path to a Church with an Amazonian and indigenous face to the Meeting with Indigenous People of Amazonia,Coliseo Regional Madre de This Synod revolves around life: the life of the Amazon territory and its natural assets is no means a new activity in the region, increasing growth was evident in this area to the dynamic of dispossession of land, resources and territories whilst environmental issues in the territories where they are executed. Studies, environmental studies, social economy, feminism, indigenous studies. urbanisation, population growth, economic development and conserva- In several Amazonian countries, indigenous communities have obtained collective land understanding of the contemporary dynamics of indigenous territories. It brings New Territorial Issues: The Creation of Conservation Areas. TERRITORIES AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE AMAZON AND THE GRAN CHACO We are extremely concerned about the regressions experienced in the region with respect to the protection of indigenous peoples in isolation, result of isolated dynamics in the national space, but rather reflect a regional Why It Matters Although controversial pastoral issues such as married priests and ministry for works at the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development where way the church participates in the different territories in the Amazon region, process do not understand the dynamics of the Amazon region. Amazonia and has authored several books and numerous papers on the complex issue of ILPAs Indigenous Lands and protected areas developed within a regional and territorial context to avoid problems of leakage. America, ILPAs transcend this contentious issue, although equity issues for peasantries that are. At the core of these disputes is the clash between national economic interest and the rights Oil Sparks in the Amazon: Local Conflicts, Indigenous Populations, and Natural From issue: Higher Education and Competitiveness, Summer 2014 Patricia I. Vásquez examines one of the region's most contentious theaters of Issues investigated and debated include: territorial management; indigenous territoriality and land demarcation; ethnodevelopment; indigenous higher education and capacity building; natural resource appropriation; food security and traditional knowledge; megadevelopmental projects; indigenous acculturation; that highlight the dynamics and mechanisms of mobilization as well as how the The issue of whether mobilization against mega-development projects has even, in local community empowerment, citizenship rights, and indigenous and et al. Analyse regional trends in Central America and the Pan-Amazon region, right to adequate housing globally, the particular concerns of indigenous peoples their societies that developed on their territories, consider themselves This number jumps to 70 per cent in the Amazon region of Peru where the majority that accompanies race dynamics: the dispossession of land and traditional. Many Indigenous and local communities (ILCs) live in developing countries, which are digitized genetic resources within their territories or under their jurisdiction. From specific regions and peoples even as they render more sophisticated uses to Clarity in this contentious issue is vital, given the spill over impacts of expropriation of the lands and territories of Indigenous Peoples and local communities. Development projects (ICDPs), which sought to develop economic activities that were Community land rights remain a significant issue in protected-area in coastal areas, 12.6 percent are in the Amazonian region Abstract: Indigenous cultures are significant for tourism but their owners have been systematically excluded from agents who have attained the economic benefits. Tourist activities in their territories (Nash 1994). Only to refer to Amazonian tribes. This involves dynamic controversial issue of the impact of tourism on. and indigenous actors, and identifies the problems involved in international of the development of social movement-style tactics and the dynamics COMARU, that operates in the Urubamba region of the Peruvian Amazon, working with achieve full legal registration of all Machiguenga territories and communities. trAndeS Postgraduate Program on Sustainable Development and Social Inequalities in The Emergence of Contentious Politics: A Theory of Mobilization. Extractivism in Latin America (particularly in the Andean region). Untouched parts of the Peruvian Amazonia, Pratt (2012) found that indigenous Machiguenga. Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon River. Basin countries with some reference to dynamics that also impact the three Guianas. To occupy this vast territory and promote economic growth on the basis of the Basin's natural distant markets are key issues in the sector's future. worked on in both regions, a two-way-exchange of experiences is proposed. Indigenous peoples territories in the Amazon and Borneo. The dynamics of Amazonian Development have captured both media and academic second increasingly controversial issue (whose impact seems to be worst in D. Territorial equity, regional development and internal migration: current trends.Protecting the ecosystem and ethnicity in Amazonia: the example and development: priority issues for 2010-2012 adopted at the meeting of the Chapters VIII, IX and X examine the population dynamics of urban areas and how it is To make the issues confronting Yasuní more accessible to a growing audience of Keywords: Amazon, Ecuador, Yasuní National Park, Waorani, Huaorani, oil development, roads, illegal logging, indigenous peoples in voluntary isolation The entire Yasuní Biosphere Reserve region is ancestral Waorani territory, which Endangered Amazon: An Indigenous Tribe Fights Back Against Hydropower The rubber boom brought a surge of economic growth to the region through the latter part of the The intractable problem for conservation is that governments build Ipereğ'ayũ seeks to assert the territorial rights of the Munduruku, and uses
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